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Breakfast and Repairs

Although I was in such a beautiful apartment with a lovely bed, I didn't sleep at all well. Not sure why, perhaps I am missing my open canvas living or more likely, I don't ever sleep too well in a new place. But I am starting to feel a bit less out-of-sorts and more 'normal'

It was a gloriously sunny day, heading toward slightly uncomfortable temperatures in fact but that was fine in this cool apartment. Irina came around for breakfast which was the most tremendous spread including all sorts of meat, bread, avocado and lots of tomatoes that she grew and made doubly awesome as we sat in the lush greenery of the garden.

Could not have asked for a better start to any day.

Irina left for the afternoon and I went down to pick up my bike which had new brakes, chain and 3 spokes repaired as well as realigning the front wheel after my fall outside of Riedlingen. It was expensive and I am not sure I needed a new chain to be honest, but so what - it was good to get checked out. Took a trip to a camping store where I bought an air pillow and some eco mosquito repellent and spray, I had been eaten alive. I mentioned this to Irina later, specifically that the little blighters were finding their way into my tent via a small hole (how damn clever are these blasted flies, they have evolved to such a degree that they can find a tiny hole on the inside of my inner tent FFS) and she brought down some fabric to sew in a piece of fabric to repair it.

Irina had plans for that night, but we stopped off at Trollinger again for the hugest beer ever and I had a quiet night in with pasta.

At one point, a neighbour walked in to water the garden. She was unaware I was staying there and we both had the fright of our lives. It was so good to just stay in and do nothing. A quiet day but a bloody good one.


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