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Eurovelo 6, Finally

Sure, this trip is all about seeing beautiful sights, to a certain extent it is about meeting new people but it is above all else about food. How important it is to get as much into me as humanly possible and that is harder than you may think.

I have successfully managed my very first banana, but much gagging involved on both occasions and just not for me. Lentils too, although I find these easier. I have just boshed a sachet. If you add tuna and tomatoes and think of Bitcoin pumping whilst eating, then I can manage quite a few before I start to gag. Each mouthful is doing me the world of good, that I know. I do wonder about the amount of fibre I am getting and will ask at the next pharmacy if they sell it in capsules. I am all about apples and would like to try pears, but they are always so hard. I mean physically not retching-wise.

So today I started off on the actual EV6 route. Thanks to my recce yesterday, it was a smooth start to the day. God, it felt amazing and within a minute, I had seen 6 people just like me, with big panniers on their bikes.

Followed the river Doubs for pretty much 100KM. For the first couple of hours, I listened to Evita in its entirety, amazing that I can still remember Every. Single. Word. God, I loved that musical so much. Still do. So happy I decided to keep the wireless speaker after all, it is a total boon. I flew down the route and all working brilliantly, I even wondered if I should try and do the whole thing until Mulhouse, but that would be pushing it. Problem when I got to Voujeaucourt, just outside of Montbeliard as the heavens opened.

The whole sky just went black and the forecast said it would last all evening and it certainly felt like it. I stopped under a bridge for 20 mins, tried to get a room nearby on Airbnb but no response, so I cancelled. I looked at hotel rooms, but I have been spending so much on them recently, so I decided to suck it up and make the 25-minute journey to a campsite. I waited for a bit of a break and just cycled for dear life. I arrived and I was so wet and put my tent up in record time and hid my bike somewhere dry.

Of course, I should have just waited for it to abate and it has now. I really must remember not to panic, be patient and just wait these downpours out. I am really tired, made a quick cup of hot soup and then boshed down the lentils.

Now that I am inching ever closer to Switzerland, I am thinking about dropping by to see a dear friend that I haven't seen for a while now who lives in Zug, the Capital of Cryptocurrency near Zurich. Not sure how long it will take so going to hang off contacting her just yet as I don't want to feel pressured to be anywhere for a specific time. I am loving the freedom that this trip brings.


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