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Luxurious Zug

Today we went for an early morning stroll around Zug which borders a large 25mile lake with stunning, typical Swiss views over the Rigi and Pilatus Mountain ranges.

There is a small area of cobbled windy streets bordered with timbered chalet style and painted houses festooned with colourful flags that looked wonderful, even if the skies were grey and slightly overcast.

In contrast too was the 15th century church of St Oswald (who had one of his arms brought there from Northumberland, something like that anyway) with the multiplicity of modern techie looking buildings too. It is not a cheap place by any standards which became very noticeable when I bought us a lunchtime takeout of red Thai curry, pad Thai for and spring rolls for £50. Still, that’s Switzerland for you and at least everything works on time.

Such a lovely time with Kasar last night. We barely see each other now that we live in different countries, but a shared common history goes a long way. Plus, I forgot what a great chef she was and sitting in an actual gorgeous apartment and sleep in sumptuous feather bed comfort was, quite literally, a dream.

I had thought about taking a cycle around the perimeter of Lake Zug that afternoon, but it was so lovely to be in such a comfortable space that I opted to stay put that afternoon, research some of the next parts of this trip and snooze. And let’s face it, I am already cycling everyday around beautiful places so it makes a great change to be able to do something different, like stay in.

I checked the map and realised it would have been easier, quicker and cheaper to cycle to Schaffhausen and get a train to Zug from there, rather than the return trip to Basel I had opted for. One of the reasons I had not done so was to comply with self-imposed deadlines to meet up with Kasar after giving her a schedule for my arrival. I realised that this whole notion of appointments and schedules, so normal in everyday life, had become something quite foreign to me with this new found liberated daily approach to life and I was keen to get back on the road again, even though this brief water side sojourn, bordered by inspiring and life affirming Swiss views was undoubtedly a welcome diversion and one of those lovely memory bank experiences.

Kasar had some friends coming over that night for dinner and once again I thought how lovely it was to be able to combine sleeping under canvas in such a variety of places with good old dinner parties in civilised settings.


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