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More Rain

Whilst the weather yesterday was changeable with a grey overcast start to a perfect sunny end, the Weather Radar today indicated a lot of rain around lunchtime and the clouds would start gathering pretty early on.

Michael had contacted me to say he had overtaken me by 30 KMs and was staying at Pöchlarn. Given that there was only a few hours before the next deluge, I figured I would shoot up there, get myself a room, meet up and wait it out.

Treated myself to a massively over expensive, tasteless and fluffy breakfast at Café Konditorei with lovely views over the Donau surrounded by cruise ship guests. I hadn't eaten that well the day before and I now find that I am always thinking about food. Not in the sense of what delicious morsel shall I eat, but for health reasons. I don't have any scheduled dietary plan, but I am always thinking about what I have had for the past couple of meals to ensure that I am eating a balanced and nutritious diet.

Short ferry across to Wiesen, which means grasslands and some friendly banter with a group of touring cyclists who were just doing a few KMS up and down the Danube for a couple of days. Again, loving the attention I get when I say I am cycling to Istanbul.

Wow, the route along to Pöchlarn was absolutely fantastic. I flew along, music on, drinking in the riverside scenery which continued on in its magnificence. Today was even better though despite the inclement weather, as it was super quiet whereas yesterday I had to share the velvet roads with traffic. I had tried to explain this to a young couple with a small baby I had met in Grein, but either I couldn't make myself understood or they had just decided to continue along the northly main road as they had plans. I felt for them as I looked over the river to see the traffic build up on route 3 as I calmly shot along in bucolic bliss.

I stopped off for a coffee at Ybbs an der Donau which was your typical pretty enough, regular town and exchanged pleasantries with the cyclists I met on the ferry. Although they were considerably advanced in years, they had got there before me and were laughing about it, a nice joyful moment. There was a small cycle museum and I briefly considered stopping off, but the rain was inching ever closer and I wasn't really that interested, if truth be told.

Pöchlarn was only another 15KM away and I was there in no time, although I realise the lodging I had booked was over the river in Klein-Pöchlarn, so had to double back on myself after crossing the bridge which had slightly confusing and disorientating cycle path that ran alongside, that I had to enter by a circular joining road.

I got to Gasthof Paradiesgartl just as the heavens opened. Perfect timing. However I was too early for the room to be ready, so I just sat in a covered seating area and took out my tent to dry off. Mercifully the kindly owner came out, gave me the key and explained she was off to the dentist but would be back later and we could settle up then. Excellent.

I went up to the room, lay down and passed out for a couple of hours, I didn't realise how knackered I was. I completely missed the downpour which was great. I then shot out to the post office to send my last package back to the UK and could now officially confirm I am travelling super light. 1 pair of lightweight trousers, 1 short sleeved shirt, 2 pairs cycling shorts, 2 cycling t-shirts, 1 t-shirt to sleep in, 2 pairs pants, 2 pairs socks, 1 water resistant coat, 1 pair of trainers and 1 old fleece. That old fleece has been with me everywhere, it has become like an old friend and just about the best £5 I have ever spent in my life.

I went back over the bridge and met up with Michael in his much nicer hotel room than mine. We had dinner at Johny's Burger which was obviously THE place to be, as it was totally packed and hard to get a table, even for a Thursday evening. We then stopped off for a few beers at the various bars and I got quite hammered. Getting back to my guesthouse was quite tricky and at one point, I was totally lost after cycling for ages in the wrong direction when I came off the circular entry lane from the bridge.

Once again, not many KMs covered but at least I kept dry. This damned rain has to stop at some point.


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