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Magical Swabian Jura Mountains

I woke up to the most beautiful, tranquil and memorable of views with the mist rising above the Danube to create a mystical, ethereal kind of vibe.

Not sure at which point I realised that I was in the Black Forest, which I have heard so much about over the years. It really is as special and magical and not what I was expecting, although I am not sure what I was expecting to be honest. Love how this early morning light gently illuminates the hard cliff surfaces of the Swabian Jura mountain range. I wonder what kind of rock it is? Limestone, I think.

I am kind of tired, still not sleeping brilliantly but I seem to be fine when I hit the road and I do love the early mornings when all is quiet and still. I am annoyed that I misplaced my glasses, but at least they are not super expensive and weren't my reading specs or Oakley sunglasses; now that would have really upset me. I will pick some up at the next big town, as well as a new washbag and possibly a sleeping bag. I notice that there are a few loose seams appearing, but is fine for now. I will definitely chuck this at my final destination as no point bringing it home. I also decide to leave my useless gas cannister at reception, sure someone will find a use for it, as indeed someone has probably done with my glasses which I am now sure I left at the desk when signing in last night. I had been unable to get any signal on my phone at all last night, which was rather lovely.

As I set off for the day, I notice some nice looking restaurants and think that it would have been rather nice to have eaten there last night. Before I knew it, I was heading into the town of Sigmaringen with the impressive Schloss Sigmaringen looming 150 metres high on a chalk cliff.

My friend Irina had mentioned this castle and it didn't disappoint. Straight out of a Disney film with pointy towers and pseudo-gothic styling, largely the product of a rebuild after a huge fire in 1893. It is still owned by the Hohenzollern family with its long list of German Emperors and kings of Prussia although they don't live there anymore. I stop to chat to a very healthy looking French couple, feeling very clever as I explain the Hohenzollern which I had only just read about 5 minutes earlier.

The town was gorgeous, so pretty and I dropped anchor at a very loaded looking cafe had gorged on a super healthy and filling breakfast whilst charging up the electrics.

I am noticing that I tend to follow groups of cyclists for a few days and currently there was a rather striking lady with the brightest pink hair and a smile to match. We chatted about our journeys and I mentioned I needed to find a gas cannister. We parted company and then about 20 mins later, whilst I was searching around for some loos in another part of the town (handy tip, search for a Rathaus which means town hall, great loos always), she exploded from behind me with instructions on how to get to a hardware store nearby. So nice, and confirmed what I had already found out. Turned out much harder than you would think though, as I spent literally the next hour and a half or so trying to cross a railway crossing to get to the store and getting annoyed that I just couldn't seem to find a way there. All of my happy vibes had disappeared by the time I eventually managed to get the damn thing.

As I cycled out from the town, the mountain ranges fell away and it came a bit more monotonous.

As I whistled along, my tire got caught in a railway track and I came off the bike, scratching my knee and bruising my ego. My leg became a bit of a bloody mess, although the cut was not deep, but it really shook me.

The campsite was very very basic, Campingplatz Vöhringer Hof. But many of the same families there from last night and if felt quite homely to be amongst friends. The kids find it quite funny to see me walking around with Hello Kitty cool bag which I used to transport chilled cans of beer. After I had erected my tent, I decided to take the bike back into town and have another beer. The place looked lovely with the half timbered buildings that are such a feature. Lots of gorgeous restaurants and I wished I had not boshed that crappy bratwurst. A few pangs of loneliness, it has to be said.


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