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Splendid Stuttgart

Wow, this apartment is gorgeous. We are in the middle of a mini heat wave and it is as cool as can be. The garden is shady, serene and as tranquil as can be although later on there is a huge family gathering nearby but it sounds very welcoming. They all shout hello and welcome in English as I pass by; it feels great.

Today was all about exploring Stuttgart with Irina which I find out is home to Mercedes Benz, Porsche and Bosch. That's why there are so many of them driving around. First stop was to the market on Konigstrasse and then for a plate of maultaschen served in the traditional way with potato salad and cheesy pasta / macaroni at Alte Kanslei in Schillerplatz with the Kings House to our right.

Quick look at the Altes Schloss or Old Castle and then over the road to the cultural quarter based around Schlossplatz with its Neues Schloss, fountains, museums and central column statue, the equivalent of Nelson's Column back in London. Stopped off for an ice cream that looked like spaghetti (but that is where the similarity ended) and cappuccino. One quick look at a camping shop (rude not too) and home, via Market Halle which is a huge foodie market.

That evening we met up with a friend of Irina's at a jazz music gig.

Jazz is something that can really annoy me, but this turned out to be fantastic. The venue was perfect, an outside garden belonging to a church full of lovely people, with a cool vibe. It wasn't so much the music, but the perfect weather and the overall situation that was perfect.

The concert was a new initiative called Cultural Bio that the vicar, a very un-vicarish lady said (I think) was all about opening up the garden of the vicarage in times of Covid for those that didn't have an outside space so people could meet.

Just a great day with a good friend in wonderful surroundings. I will always have great memories of Stuttgart.


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